Thursday, March 05, 2015

The Diaper Diaries

It's a scene most teens dread. Friends, or maybe a date, are visiting you at your parents house. Mom (maybe after a couple of glasses of wine) hauls out the family album and starts showing your baby photos to your guest. This is you with your teddy bear. This is you with your favorite blankie. This is you with nothing at all.

Cringing at the thought? OK. But consider this: Moms now have access to social media. Sometimes those cringe-worthy pictures are put on Facebook and elsewhere. And sometimes they are posted before you are old enough to complain about it. NPR reports.


•In what ways did the Internet make your childhood different from your parents' childhood?

•Parents are posting baby photos online. How could that possibly go wrong?

•Does it matter to you if your baby/child photos are posted online? What is OK with you, and what is not?

•How much of the erosion of privacy is caused by government or corporations, and how much of it is done by friends, family or even ourselves?

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