Thursday, January 21, 2016

"Reality" Television's Real-World Effects

The following is a Mediate Classic. It was originally presented to MC101 classes in March 2015.

Your Humble Blogger is not a big fan of reality television (unless you include Dodger games). But reality television is an interesting window into culture, especially when it is reflected back to us from overseas. Do people in other countries really think "The Kardashians" is an accurate reflection of American life? Do we think it is? NPR reports.


•Is reality TV real? How is it real and how is it not?

•What parts of American popular culture tend to be imitated in other countries? Are those things also imitated in the United States?

•What messages do shows like "The Kardashians" send to young women? What is important to young women in the reality TV world? What isn't so important?

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