Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Internship Opportunity

Your Humble Blogger was notified about this paid internship recently. Maybe someone out there in Mass Commland is interested...

At Caluco Outdoor, we are looking for an energetic, well organized, self driven and highly motivated intern with strong knowledge and understanding of the digital media landscape, including a variety of social media websites.

The intern hired for this position will need critical thinking skills in order to integrate into our vibrant and passionate team who are very excited to share this exciting launch with an intern hoping to gain a lot of great online experience.

- Contribute to website redesign project in various ways
- Monitor and post on blogs, forums, and social networks
- Online outreach and promotion using Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more
- Website and social media optimization
- Keyword analysis
- User analytics (website, and social media sites)
- Cost/benefit analysis
- Compare and contrast our front with other major competitors
- Reacting and adapting to online social media changes

- Requirements Students applying for this internship should be Marketing/Business or Communication major
- Marketing
- Business
- Communications

Notes: This is a paid internship program, length of internship will be based on school year. 20-30 hours per month.

• Location: San Fernando Valley

Contact: Eddie Simon
Director of Marketing



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