Tuesday, September 02, 2014

DIY Stardom

Your Humble Blogger has lost track of all the TV personalities who populate the hundreds, or thousands, or (maybe even) hundreds of thousands of shows on the tube. But can he recognize all the personalities who have sizable audiences on social media? YHB doesn't have a clue.

Almost by definition, social media stars are stars only to a narrow segment of the public. But can they make a living off that? Can they--just like Old Media stars--go on tour, connect with screaming fans, and be generally adored?

Apparently so. The Los Angeles Times reports.


•Who are some social media stars that your parents probably don't know about?

•What is "crowdsourcing"? How is social media crowdsourcing entertainment?

•What is "disintermediation"? How are social media stars an example of disintermediation?

•Are there gatekeepers involved with social media stars and stardom? If so, who are these gatekeepers?

FYI: Here is the Official Music Video of Jack and Jack, the internet duo profiled in the Times article.

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