Monday, October 06, 2014

If Johnny Depp had a Twin...

...would he be a Deppelganger? Please allow Your Humble Blogger an occasional moment of (weak) levity. He doesn't get out much.

Actors are having digital twins made of themselves. These twins replicate every facial nuance, every expression, every pore. What's more, these digital doubles are a moviemaker's dream: they are always available for work, don't age and don't have personal problems. The Los Angeles Times reports.

•Will this technology make actors obsolete?

•Will this technology make the most popular actors essentially immortal?

•Will this technology lead to fewer actors getting more work?

•Should animators worry about this technology?

•How might this technology change the movie, television and game industries?

•Do you have a problem bringing dead actors and others back to life?

•Outside of entertainment, how could this technology be used by criminals, including terrorists?

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