Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Attention 2015-2016 Transfer Students

Dr. Kevin Meza, the Transfer Center Coordinator who did a star turn in MC101 earlier this semester, has posted photos on Facebook of the Spring Break Transfer Trip to Northern California campuses. If you want to apply for next year's trip, contact the Transfer Center around the beginning of the Spring 2015 semester. Your Humble Blogger recommends putting a note into your phone's calendar to remind you around Feb. 20, 2015. Below is the e-mail Dr. Meza sent with the link to this year's Transfer Trip photos...


I would like to share with you our photos from the Northern California college tours. We visited UC Santa Barbara, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, and went sightseeing in San Francisco. You may notice students wearing T-shirts and sweaters from these campuses now that they have returned to GCC. Thank you all for supporting our efforts. We are at that point of the year where students are hearing back from 4-year colleges. It is a great time to discuss college options with students.


Kevin A. Meza, PhD
Transfer Center Coordinator/Counselor
Academic Senator
Chair, Region 7 Transfer Center Directors



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