Wednesday, April 09, 2014

(TV) Pilots Are Crashing

In television, a pilot is the proposed first episode of a series. Characters are introduced and the premise of the show is revealed. Pilots are a way of determining a show's attractiveness to viewers and advertisers. But in today's changing world of television, fewer pilots are being made. The Los Angeles Times reports.

•Can you tell when a new show is destined to be a hit? How can you tell?

•Name all the reasons why shooting pilots are a good idea? Name all the reasons why pilots are a bad idea?

•Will the end of pilots mean that advertisers will be brought into the process earlier, or later? Why?

•As more and more TV is streamed online, how will this change television advertising? What will the TV ads of the near future be like?

•Is the growth of streamed television evidence of "The Long Tail" theory? Why or why not?

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