Monday, June 23, 2014

Welcome Summer 2014 Students!

Hello, MC101 students. Club MediaNote is back in operation for the summer session.

The first MediaNote of the semester is about the power that television wields in defining what is normal or desirable. Where we should want to live, what possessions are desirable, what behaviors are cool and who it is OK to love are all presented to us through the television screen. NPR reports.

•How does television define what is normal or desirable? Does it ever do the opposite by calling out certain things as undesirable?

•What are some of the ways that TV characters, behaviors and situations have changed since the 1950s?

•Does TV tend to lead public opinion on how we think about various lifestyles, or doees it tend to follow public opinion? When has it led and when has it followed?

•Will TV have as much power in defining what is normal or desirable in the Internet Age? Why?

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