Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Spring 2007 Students: Thanks!

Final Exam study sessions and free pizza ... a Mass Comm 101 tradition.

Before this humble blogger launches into a riveting discussion of the final medianote of the semester, he'd like to say thanks to all the students who made the Spring 2007 Mass Comm 101 classes possible. Without you, he'd be presenting medianotes to a large, empty room. And that would be somewhere between pathetic and disturbing. On to the show ...

A recent National Public Radio story features an interview with an Advertising Age writer who turned off his television for a week while he brought up his web browser. It was an experiment in whether it is possible to have a satisfying television watching experience without turning on a television. He found it was hard work finding his favorite shows on the Internet.

MWF classes only

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #53

***SURVEY UPDATE The first-ever Mass Comm 101 'Back of the Scantron' survey will have 14 questions. MC101 students will be asked to predict the the near future prospects of various mass media. Thanks to the students who submitted questions by email or through the comments section of this blog.


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