Wednesday, September 13, 2006

We Split Over the Digital Divide

Does Internet access depend (at least somewhat) on your race, ethnicity, or social class? Apparently, the answer is still yes, according to a report recently released by the National Center for Education Statistics. Some of the other major points mentioned in a Sept. 5 Associated Press article entitled "Digital Divide Still Separates Students" include:

•There is no longer an online gender gap among American children; girls are as likely to be online as boys,

•Public school students are more likely to use computers and the Internet than private school students,

•Household income and parents' educational attainment are both positively correlated with Internet access in the home; two-parent households are more likely to have Internet access at home than one-parent households.

The big question for the MC101s was "Does it matter?" Is it really true that children with Internet access in the home have a significant advantage in life?

***SOLD OUT I sold the last of the Hollywood Bowl tickets for our Sept. 21 field trip today. You can buy tickets near our section directly from the Bowl for $7 or you can simply set your sights on another Mass Comm 101 field trip. Remember, all of the field trips are optional and extra credit.

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