Wednesday, March 01, 2006

OMG, Students Were ROFL (JK)

Today we listened to a National Public Radio story about the growing use of Instant Messaging slang by teens and young adults, and its implications for the English language. I recommend listening to the story by clicking on the link above before moving on to my audio post.

BTW: I forgot to mention in my audio post that one of my students (an online gamer) made a very interesting point. He said that at the sites he goes to the gamer slang is so thick that you'd be completely lost if you didn't know the lingo.

***NO, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE CARDED: Students have asked me if they will be asked to show their Glendale College ID cards tomorrow night at the Chris Rock event. I've been assured that students who have reserved tickets will not be asked for student ID cards at the event.

this is an audio post - click to play


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