Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Spring Has Sprung and Club MediaNote Is Back in Business

MSNBC Anchor and Correspondent Alex Witt will speak on the Glendale College campus on Thursday, Feb. 23.

The Spring 06 Semester has begun at Glendale College and, as always, the Mass Comm 101 classes are packed to the rafters. So if you are among the multitudes in one of my classes this semester, welcome. Interesting times lie ahead.

Today's photo is of MSNBC Anchor and Correspondent Alex Witt. She will be speaking on campus tomorrow and all MC101 students are invited to attend for extra credit. It should be an excellent talk. Ms. Witt's topic is "How Network Cable News Has changed the Media."

Our first MediaNote of the semester will be posted on Friday. Beginning next week I will post to Club MediaNote on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, excepting holidays, exam days, and days when we are out on field trips.


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