Friday, February 10, 2006

Many Thanks to the MC101 Class of Winter 06

On Wednesday, we had our final exam study group. Pizza was involved.

Today the MC101s will take their final exam. Thank you for being a lively and involved class, for turning out on my field trips in great numbers, and for slogging through to the end of the course. Good luck in your future endeavors, academic, professional and personal.

The past five weeks have also constituted a test period for Club Medianote. I've decided that things have gone well enough that I will continue Club Medianote during the spring semester, albeit with one change.

Because short sessions (like the winter intersession that we're wrapping up today) have classes that meet five days a week, I've posted to Club Medianote five days a week. During semesters, MC101 classes meet a maximum of three days. Therefore, in the spring I will be posting to Club Medianote on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, except when there is a holiday.

My next post to Club Medianote will be on or around Feb. 22 when the Spring 2006 semester begins.


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