Thursday, June 22, 2017

Is Protesting Free Speech Free Speech?

The following is a MediaNote Classic. It was originally presented to MC101 classes in January 2017.

There is an old joke about book publishers. It goes as follows...

What's the best way to make a small fortune in publishing?

Start with a large fortune.

In other words, publishing is a tough business. Perhaps as a result, some publishers are in it as much for their love of ideas or the printed word as they are in it for money.

Today, publishers are under pressure as never before. One of the problems they must deal with is the ongoing controversy over what the line is between harsh rhetoric and hate speech. NPR reports.


•When a publisher rejects your book, is that an example of gatekeeping? Why or why not?

•Is gatekeeping an expression of First Amendment rights? If so, how?

•Are Long Tail publishing options (like Kindle Direct Publishing) good or bad for freedom of speech--or do they make no difference?

•Is it consistent with the First Amendment to criticize a publisher's choice to publish a particular book? How about if the protesters call for a boycott?

•What First Amendment controversies do you see today?

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