Friday, February 26, 2016

Transfer Student Spring Road Trip

Your Humble Blogger received the following email from Dr. Kevin Meza, director of the Transfer Center.

Hello GCC,

It’s that time again! The Transfer Center will be taking students on the Northern California College Tour during spring break (April 11-13). The priority deadline to submit the application is Monday, March 7th at 7PM. We usually receive over 120 applications for about 50 spots on the bus, so turning in the application by the priority deadline is strongly encouraged. We will visit UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and UC Santa Barbara. The trip will include admissions presentations, college tours, student panels (featuring former GCC students), and sightseeing in San Francisco.

The fee for students is $25, which includes transportation and housing. Students are responsible for their own meals. Students should visit us in the Transfer Center (SR building, second floor) for the application.



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