Thursday, May 30, 2013

Field Trip Survey

Another semester of Mass Comm 101 field trips are in the books, and it is time to plan opportunities for the summer class. The July 4 weekend concert at the Hollywood Bowl is a highlight of the summer, but Your Humble Blogger is looking for other ideas. YHB has a Poll Everywhere poll to determine student preferences.


Which was your favorite field trip this semester?

•How would you feel about a field trip to the Museum of Tolerance?

•How would you feel about a field trip to the Grammy Museum?

•Other ideas?



Anonymous marianna d said...


I guess my top field trip was the Getty or Zocalo lecture.

Ive been to the Museum of Tolerance and I think that would be a good visit, though the obvious tones about racism are clouding my idea of what the connection to Mass Comm would be.

The Grammy Museum would be cool, especially with its exhibits to big music acts and legends.. I would have gone to that field trip.

11:39 PM  

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