Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Movie Night Suggestions

Use the comments function to answer the following questions...

1. How should fall semester students organize to decide what movie they want to book through, and to decide the date, time and theater they want to book it in? How do students decide among themselves who contacts Tugg and coordinates the evening?

2. What things should students plan to do in the theater on movie night besides showing the movie? This should be within the capability of students to organize.

3. How can students use Facebook, Twitter and other social networking tools to promote Movie Night?

4. Suggest some type of movies that have some relevance to MC101 and to the Glendale College student population. The idea is to create a Movie Night that is a little different than just the average evening at the multiplex.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren Ohanian
April 3, 2013
Mass Comm 101

A way for fall semester students to organize to decide what move they want to book through is a survey, that way the highest percentage would be the movie watched. You could do the same things for the date, time, and theater. Students will most likely have a common decision with movies, depending on what the options are so that shouldn’t be a problem.

I think students should plan a study session with everyone, where as a class students give their opinions on a certain part on a movie, that way the classroom will be energetic an entertaining. Also they can take quizzes on the movie, and make it extra credit.

It should be very easy for students to promote Movie Night through social networking. Such ass Facebook posting a status or in a group convo, as well as Tweeting away a post about a movie night.

Another movie that I would suggest for Glendale College students and can sort of relate to MC101 is the bucket list. Craigslist Joe really was able to connect with students, and I believe that should be the most important goal of the movie. Bucket list is something that students can relate to, and possibly learn a great deal amount from.

11:13 PM  
Anonymous Jessica Sarkis Yekachi said...

1.Students can have meetings to bring their ideas together on what movie they want to book. There can be a group leader that everyone votes on to coordinate the evening.

2.Besides showing the movie, I think students should take notes on it and think of questions they have about the movie. Then when the movie is done they should have a meeting spot in the theater where they discuss their notes and questions.

3.Students can post information about movie night on facebook and twitter to get more people to come. They can make an event page or update their status or tweet the name of the movie, a brief description, and the time and place it is going to be.

4.I think Catfish will be another great movie for MC101 students to see. It is about meeting and falling in love with people online then seeing them in person and realizing it is not who you thought you were talking to. As fun as social networking sites can be they can also be dangerous and this will also be a good lesson to college students.

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Serge Grigoryan said...

1. To organize a movie night event, students should have a poll in class, or online via ClubMediaNote to decide what movies they would like to watch as well as the date, time and theater. To decide who contacts Tugs and coordinates the event, it can be a voluntary thing.

2. Students should plan a fun event such as going out afterwards to shoot some pool and grab a bite to eat as they discuss the movie.

3. Through social media and networking, students can easily post topics that pertain to Movie Night via Twitter, Facebook, and what have you.

4. A great movie I'd reccommend for the Glendale College students is The Godfather series because students can learn important life lessons related to family, friendship, and MC101.

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Alen Akopyan said...

1. Students can decide how to organize what movie they want to book through "" by exploring movies that would apply to the mass. By clicking on a title, one gets to see a trailer and a small description of what the movie is about. That allows an individual to see whether or not that movie should be considered. The date, time, and theater should be up to the students to decide and the general vote’s outcome. Students should choose the individual who came up with the idea, and have him or her contact tugg and coordinate the evening.

2. Students should plan to not only show a movie, but to also get the crowd to express their thoughts about the movie after the event, and attend a ceremony together so classmates can be more familiar with each other.

3. Students can use facebook, twitter, and other social networking tools to promote movie night by creating posts and revealing upcoming events others may be interested in.

4. A movie I would suggest to college students is “Escape from Alcatraz” because this movie clearly shows that even the impossible can be succeeded through teamwork and will.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Nare Novshadyan said...

1.A good way for students to be involved and choose a good movie to watch is to do a poll online of 10 movies and the movie with the most votes would be the one to watch. Either the students can nominate the movies or the professor can choose.
All the students are not going to be able to make it on a certain date and time, so that should be left to the professor with some help from the students and it should be in a local theater.

2. Having a guest speaker, such as Joe was a good touch to the movie going experience. Maybe having someone from the movie making industry there could be fun.

3.Students can promote the event by posting about it on their facebooks or twitters. The GCC twitter can even be used as a tool.

4. Occupy Love is interesting documentary that's relevant to college students, or a classic movie or even a new comedy.

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jaclyn Willcut
1. A poll can be done in class where the students can pick the movie, date, time, and theater. Somebody can volunteer to set it all up after everything has been picked.

2. They can have a discussion about how it ties into the class after the movie.

3. Students can make a page on Facebook for the movie and post to it and share it and even invite their friends to go see it.

4. A movie that i would suggest is Catch me if You Can. It can connect to the students and show the use of technology and wits.

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Nvard Asatryan said...

1. The way students may organize to decide what movie they want to book is first take a survey and come up with one that most all students may agree on, followed by arranging it on a weekday as it was done for "Craigslist Joe", and as for who should contact there should be someone as a leader to do all the above things so this event is much more organized and planned out with one person taking charge or a group that may all vary.

2. Students should plan on the audience being an active listener the whole time the movie is running but not ask them to take notes or anything like that because it isn't going to be very convinent inside a dark movie theatre. Afterwards, they can have student do extra credit assignments, projects, or test kind to earn points. They can even ask the class to come up with questions and answers regarding the movie and turn it into some kind of game like jeopardy.

3. Social Networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and etc. can bring much more audience into the Movie night and instead of having one night sold out they can have a couple. When it is put up on social networking sites the amount of people coming expands and when one friend decides to go they come with a big group so its a great way to have more people.

4. For the MC101 another movie I could suggest that most students can relate to would be like one of the Fast Furious Movies that have many gadgets and ways they communicate to reach their goal. Another great one is Cast Away with Tom Hanks i think many people would be interested to see it.

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mennoua Keshishian
Mass Comm 101
April 3, 2013
1) Fall semester students should have a vote on what movie to watch with online voting like in class and create a social networking page to set a date.

2) Students should bring a notebook and take notes, and after the movie discuss it in the theater.

3) Social networking can help create a page and invite every student to see how many students are coming and to post any news about the event.

4) A movie suggestion would be Behind The Big News: Propaganda and the CFR its a great movie about news bias, and news that are twisting information.

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Edit Esmailian said...

1. Students should have a meeting to choose what movie they want to watch and choose date also.They have to have a head group to take care of it.
2. They should take notes during watching movie on movie night to make a discussion at the end of movie and exchange their opinion about movie.
3.Students can use Facebook and Twitter to spread the event among friends and families. They can make event page on Facebook to promote Movie Night.
4.Documentary that's relevant to college students, or a classic movie which students are interested.

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Sara Berg said...

1. Students who are interested to have a movie night, could set up a time when they can meet to organize and discuss what movies that could be interesting to watch. And then vote for which movie, theatre and date to book at

2. After the movie, students can have discussions and there could also be tests or quizzes to earn some extra points.

3. Students could use social network as a tool, for example set up a Facebook group that everybody can join and discuss movie suggestions and decide theatres, date and time to go.

4. I would suggest Wall Street: Money never sleeps. I think many of Glendale College Students would be interested to see it since it revolves the financial crisis of 2008.

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Andre Bonyad said...

1. I think students can use moodle to communicate and decide which movie wants to be seen and at which theater. And when it comes to deciding who gets to coordinate the event it should be a group effort.

2. I think the students should make a deal with the theater that is hosting the event to give discounts on popcorn and drinks.

3. Students can use social networking sites to inform all their friends about the event, also they can inform other schools mass communication departments that GCC is putting together a movie night.

4. One student had a good idea with Catfish, however I would say Scent of a Woman is a good movie. One I dont think most students my generation has seen. The film has a good moral message to have integrity.

5:03 PM  
Blogger Charles Vigilia said...

APRIL 4, 2013

Students should have a class discussion about movies that would relate to mass communication such as movies or documentaries that depict mass communication or a movie that was a product of mass communication such as Pandora, the movie and briefly summarize the films' plot so the class could vote on the movie. The date and time should be decided based on the availability of students on dates such as student free days or during the weekends. The theater would be most convenient near Glendale.
I think a group of a few students can volunteer to coordinate the screening for the class.

Besides showing the film, students can respond through text to a live online poll of questions in a movie theater regarding the film before and after the film to see how results vary.

Students can create a Facebook page where GCC students can join and invite all of their friends on Facebook. Also fliers can be uploaded to Instagram to further advertise the movie event.

Movies relevant to MC101: The Social Network, Anchor Man, The Newsies.

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrea Viau
MC 101 T/TH 910

1. For fall semester students, students should create a committee dedicated to the movie night within that group, people should be assigned for certain jobs like picking the theater, time, movie, etc. A good way to decide a time and place is to survey the classes and see what is best for the majority. Also the head of the committee should take the responsibility of contacting Tugg.

2. Other than watching the movie, students should be able to meet up after and do discussion groups to talk about the movie.

3. Tweeting, posting a status, or creating a "Note" and posting it on Instagram is a good way to publicize the movie night!

4. The movie needs to be interesting enough for students to want to go to. A good movie to be shown should be Social Network, since it is about communication which can be related to the class.

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Nazli Eskandari said...

1. students can have a poll to decide the movie, time and the date of the event.

2.Beside showing the movie, they can have special guests and some discussion after the movie ends.

3.Students can create an event page and describe the details about event or post an status about it

4.I would suggest Nothing But the Truth and Social Network

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aleen Ohanian
Mass Comm 101
1. I think the fall semester students should create a poling system where they could vote on the top choices that students would like to see. I think students should vote and appoint certain people to do different task in order to make a movie night possible and successful.

2.Students can plan to have a trivia after the movie, and who ever answers the questions correctly would be rewarded.

3. Students can put different ads that allow others to see the different events and Movie nights. This will help promote Movie night and hopefully get other students to participate.

4.I think The Social Network is a good movie, and it will allow students to see how Facebook was created and learn about the founder as well.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Andrew Pirijanian said...

1) The way I would recommend fall semester students organize the whole process is by connecting with eachother in class. If anything, some time in the beginning of class can be given out to the students, (probably with one being in charge with organizing,) to stand and conduct a poll of some sort out loud to everyone to get feedback on what would work. Also, a Facebook group may work too, as it can be a better way to connect with those who do not speak as often in class or don't show up.

2) I would recommend giving a small speech in the beginning from the person mainly in charge of organizing it all to give an idea of what the movie is and any other information. Another idea can be to have a guest speaker for a Q and A after the showing like with Joe. Also, maybe arranging a Facebook page to share opinions or to answer a couple questions about the movie itself. What I wouldn't suggest is note taking during the movie, because that would just ruin the whole cinematic experience and make a movie night with friends and classmates more of a school night with work.

3) Students can advertise the campaign on their pages to get the word out to fellow students or to anyone else in the general public who may be interested in attending the event. If it's a small named, low-budget movie, and if enough people reserve their tickets for the showing, a star of the film may even show up like with Craigslist Joe.

4) As far as movies coming in relation to the topics we learn in Mass Comm., a couple of films that come to mind can be Superman, Spiderman or Citizen Kane. On the comical or dramedy side, it can be Anchorman or Thank You For Smoking. In more of the nonfiction/drama category, I would say The Social Network. In all, it is up to the students to collaborate and decide amongst each others ideas, but those would be my choices.

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Sharis Aghoorian said...

1.To organize a movie night event, students can get together and watch some movie trailers. As a second step, they can have class discussions about movie trailers they had watched and decide which movie the majority of students want to go and watch through voting. Every Mass Comm. class has to have a leader, so that the leaders can work together and organize events the way the majority of students will have the chance to attend. At the end, leaders should take the responsibility of contacting Tugg and make reservations.
2.Besides showing the movie, students should have the chance to meet after and have discussions about the movie. I also believe that it will be a good idea to have a Mass Comm. 101 diary, so that students who had attended the event can shortly write their memories, date and sign it.
3.Students can easily use their Facebook and Twitter to create an event page and ask more people to join them.
4.I also agree that the move should be relevant to Mass Comm. 101 like The Newsies . It can also be about the role of the media in our societies.

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Edgar Zardaryan said...

Edgar Zardaryan
Mass Comm
MW: 10:45 12:10

1.) First of all if this event is going to be a part of Mass Communication 101’s curriculum Mr. Ebert take the initial step and introduce it to the class room on the first day of each class and assign a few students from each class to represent their specific classroom in a Tugg committee. Then the Tugg Committee can meet and discuss potential dates movies etc. also among the Tugg Committee there should be specific jobs for committee members on top of representing there class mates one or two members should volunteer to coordinate with via phone email to make sure the event is accepted by Tugg and all specifics in regards to the event such as location time and conditions that are already established amongst the students be finalized with Tugg. The students should decide amongst themselves then each member of the Tugg committee shall gather the opinion of his/her classmates and come to an agreement which he/she will present to the Tugg Committee. If need be counter options shall then be provided by committee and relayed back to students. There shall be a time frame into deciding all of this as well the students must come to an agreement favoring the majority of students, it will be impossible to adhere to every single students schedule therefore this event is not going to be mandatory and if need be the committee can organize more than one viewing to give all students an opportunity to experience this event.
2.) To make the event more memorable and interesting students should allow time for discussion after the movie, group pictures of attendees and special guest like cast and crew from specific movie will be a great addition to the event. Assuming that most students will be on a budget we are limited to extra activities for participants because it will be unfair for students not to participate because of monetary issues.
3.) The use of Facebook Twitter and other social network tools can be used to promote the event outside of the class room. I believe that the class room representatives do not need these mediums to communicate with class mates in regards to changes or conditions of the event because the class room meets twice a week in the perfect environment for them to discuss event news for 10-15 min out of class room time. Therefore all members will be present and all voices can be heard. However, Facebook twitter and networking tools can increase the guest list and the Tugg Committee can send invitations to students all over the nation that would be interested in participating with GCC’s Mass Communication 101 class’s event. Regardless of participation from Facebook friends and twitter followers, it would generally be a good idea to have some sort of web presence for the event.
4.) I think that we should play movies that are more controversial, for example show documentaries showing our current National Governments crises that show no sign of reform. We should use this event to raise awareness amongst students and society to what is really going on around them as opposed to feeding the continuing oppression being presented by the Gov. to keep its citizens distracted from the real problems they are facing.

2:02 PM  
Anonymous David Koshkarian said...

1. A good way for students in the fall semester to decide what movie they want and at what time is by taking a survey. We did a poll in class using our phones which made it very convenient and hassle free. A student should also volunteer to contact and make the schedule one the movie is decided.

2. During the movie night students should be able to have a Q & A afterwords to clarify some aspects of the movie that might have not been clear. They can even form teams to answer questions regarding the movie.

3. Since almost everyone has some sort of social networking type of application, communication should not be difficult at all. To promote it, all they should do is spread the word across facebook and other networks for it to gain popularity.

4. Since a lot of business majors take Mass Communications 101, I would recommend the movie Wallstreet: money never sleeps. It is a very interesting movie about the finanical crash a few years ago.

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Nvart Lily Agazaryan said...

1. Fall semester students should organize meetings or have class discussions to find out what movie they want to watch at what day/time. A second option would be taking a survey on clubmedianote. One of the students then can later contact and coordinate the event.

2. Just like the "Craigslist Joe", students can maybe have Question and Answers after the movie to hear each others feedback and have a better understanding of the movie. They can also take pictures. In addition, they can organize class discussions at the end of the class.

3.Students can make a page on Facebook or Twitter to spread the word. In addition, they can make an event page and with that they can get a track of how many people will be coming to the event.

4. Students should watch movies that are inspiring. The Social Network and The Pursuit of Happiness are great examples!

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Tatevik Sardaryan said...

1. Students should have few movie options and they should vote for it in class. Movie with the most votes will be selected and also they should vote for the best date and time for the event, so most of the students can attend it. The teacher should contact and book the event.

2.To make the event more interesting, students should go out with groups to eat, get a drink after a movie. That way they will share their opinions about the movie and have a memorable time disscussing the movie and meet new people.

3.students can use different networking sites to inform and advertise the movie event to their friends. They can create a facebook event page, or post a preview picture of the movie on instagram and tag their friends in it.

4. For the MC101 class in fall another documentary movie I would suggest is Plastic Planet. I believe a lot of people can relate to it since its about their health's and planet's safety.

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nune Yesayan
Mass Communications 101

1) A way for students to organize and decide what movie they want to book through is by doing a survey between popular movies that are available through the website. Through votes, students can determine what the most appropriate movie choice is. Students can vote for general representatives who will make the arrangements for the date, time, and theater they want to book it in.

2) Besides the movie, students can organize a meeting to discuss their predictions about the film beforehand and a meeting afterwards to talk about their thoughts, feelings, and ideas about the movie.

3) Students can send notifications and create events through social networking websites to encourage everyone to attend and let everyone know the details of the movie night.

4) A good genre of movies to show to students are documentaries which directly target social issues. For example, one good documentary is "Waiting For Superman", which is about problems within the public school system of the United States.

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Cynthia Melkomian said...

1. I think it should be done in class during the beginning of the semester where everyone votes on a day, time, and movie. Democracy!

2. Question and answers, or group discussions about the movie, pros/cons would be a great idea.

3. Making digital flyers and sending a mass Facebook message to all your friends would get the job done.

4. Shadows of Liberty or Miss Representation are both great documentaries of media on the portrayal of today's society.

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martin Davidian
Mass Comm 101

1 The best way for students to organize any choice would be to first give their options to what they should watch, then go to the Tugg website and vote for which movie should be viewed the most highest vote will get chosen, only if it is proven by the Professor.

2. Students can basically organize a quick Q and A session after any movie they have seen and they can take notes to either do a small quiz based on the movie or write a short essay based on what was the plot, what links did the movie have that can relate to Mass Communication, etc. With either of these choices then they can receive extra credit points.

3. Students can post an event page through Facebook, which will be very easy and no hassle. The event page will have a description on where and when the meeting will take place and all the students have to do is sign in for attendance. The event page will be considered as a sign in sheet and whoever is on the list and attends gets the credit.

4. The best movie choices I can come up with for a movie night that relate to Mass Communication would Bowfinger, Bucket List, Social Network, and Going the Distance. All these have certain themes that relate with Mass Communication and are great entertainment that will get the students to energized and entertained.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arvin Tarverdi
1. student should have a group discussion about what movie they want to book. in that case they would come to general idea about the movie they want to book.

2. I think after movie played they should share their opinion in group discussion. they should talk about their point negative or positive point of view about movie.

3. They should post picture or trailer of the movie in their Facebook page and explain abut the movie they are going to see.

4. there are so many great movie that can be played for mass com 101 class such as crash,donnie brasco,pianist,keeping the faith

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Barsam Barsamian said...

Barsam Barsamian

1. Students can organize the movie they'd like to book through tugg, along with the date and location by using a poll. One poll can be used to choose a movie, and the other poll can have a list of times and locations. And we can have 1 student who volunteers to contact tugg and coordinate the event.

2. Students can have a discussion about the movie, and bring up important points, and also ask each other questions about the movie. In order to better understand what they saw.

3. Student can use social media to promote movie night by sharing tugg links of the upcoming events.

4. I'd suggest "The Social Network" because it's a documentary on Facebook, the creator of facebook, and how it came about. And considering Facebook is a form of mass communication, it would be appropriate.

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Syuzanna Shirinyan said...

Syuzanna Shirinyan
Mass Comm. M. W. 9:10-10:35
1. Students can decide how to organize what movie they want to book through by discovering and searching movies that would relate to the mass communication. By clicking on the tugg page students have the opportunity to see trailers of the movie and they can see if that movie is relatable to the class. The date, time, and theater should be up to the students to decide and the general vote’s outcome. Students should choose the individual who came up with the idea, and have those students contact tugg and organize the evening.

2. Try to get one of the actors from the movie to show up to ask questions, or before hand email, twit, get in contact with the actors and ask some questions that might interest the audience.

3. Post posts on various network services welcoming students to the event or put ads on the bulletin boards around college.

4. Movies that relate to mass communication such as Pursuit of Happiness, I am Legend.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Rebecca Mardiross said...

1. I think fall semester students should decide the movie and other details by commenting on club medianote, and then creating a poll to see which movie gets the most votes.

2. After showing the movie, the students can have a discussion about what they thought of the movie and how they can relate it to mass communication. They could also play a trivia game that relates to the movie and get a chance to win more extra credit points.

3. Students can make an event page on Facebook and invite their friends to join Movie Night.

4. I think movies that have to do with the internet would be good because they relate to mass communication. For example, they could watch Catfish or an older movie like You've Got Mail.

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tovmas Mirzoyan
Mass Comm 101

1. Students should have online survey with list of movies and the one with most votes would be chosen. same goes for date, time and theaters. If its by voes majority would actually end up coming since they choose to the convince. Also during class they should ask for volunteer to set it up with Tugg.

2. I think students should take some notes and have a discussion after the movie, clarify things that they didn't quite understand.

3. They can make an event on Facebook spread it around, on Twitter as well. Make group of the classmates in them have discussions and etc.

4. An other movie that would be good for MC101 students I think would be Social Network. Since it is about communication and shows from the begging how it done; the source of Facebook.

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy Aguilar
M.& W. 9:10-10:35
1. Student can organize a event through Tugg by getting together and doing research online or going to the movie places and asking how they can host an event. A person who has the most leadership and is responsible enough should be the one who does the most contacting with Tugg.
2. Students should plan a little speech in the movie theaters thanking their classmates for showing up because they worked hard planning the movie for them.
3. Students can easily use Facebook, twitter,and other social networking tools to promote movie night by letting there classmates be aware of what movie will be showing they can use those networking by becoming friends with one another on any social network.
4. A movie that can be a good idea for showing are classic movies, silence movies, or a document movie.

7:49 PM  
Anonymous daniel acevedo said...

Daniel Acevedo

1. A easy way to organize and decide what the students want to watch is by a poll. Students should coordinate the evening through probably a online chat that tugg should provide for the movie that the class is going to see.

2. Students should plan a discussion on the movie after they watch it and also can probably eat as a class after the movie to interact with everyone and have a good time.

3.Students can use social networks to promote the movies they are going to watch through just simply posting it up and everyone one of their friends should be able to see it. Also probably a movie night newsletter that sends a automatic tex when a class books an event.

4. The social network can be a great movie for a class to watch. The documentary waiting for superman is also another good documentary.

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Felicia Avakian said...

Felicia Avakian
Mass Com 101 M/W
1.Students should have surveys to see which movie to book through then they should have meetings about which date and theater they would like to book it in. The students should also all vote on someone who is willing to be in charge and take responsibility for contacting Tugg and coordinating the evening.
2.I think that besides watching the movie, students should also take notes and share their thoughts on the film at the end. Each student should share what part of the film they found most fascinating.
3. Students could make events on facebook and send out invites to promote movie night. Students can post about movie night on all their social networks to show all of their friends what movie night is and when it is.
4.I think the movie "The Social Network" could be beneficial to Mass Com students because it is a modern true story on how social networking impacts all of our lives and how facebook was created.

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Rosie Manoukian said...

The way I think fall semester Students should organize to decide what movie they want to book through is they should have options of what movie, date, time and theater there is and which ever one gets more picks should be the one played.

I think students should first watch the movie and then after watching the movie they should plan to get into groups and have discussions about it so they can get each others thoughts and ideas about it.

The way that that Students can use Facebook, twitter, and other social networking tools to promote movie night is by sharing a status mentioning that there's going to be a movie night and that people should come to it.

The movie that I suggest would be "The Social Network" because it talks about Facebook and Facebook has to do with mass communications so it would make sense for the students to watch it.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Maral Manoukian said...

1. A good way for students to decide the movie, date, time, and theater is to have some sort of vote either in class or online. For example, on clubmedianote. The professor or class can vote on having someone in charge for contacting Tugg and coordinating the event.

2. One thing students can do in the movie theater while watching the movie is jot down some facts they think is interesting and would like to share with the rest of their classmates. There can be a class discussion about the movie afterwards.

3. For Facebook, they can make an event and invite all of their friends on it. They can post statuses reminding people about the event. Same with Twitter.

4. Kinds of movies I would recommend for MC101 field trips would be movies such as documentaries. I feel like it involves more technology and it feels more realistic rather than watching a fantasy or love movie.

10:45 PM  
Anonymous Tenny Khalaj said...

Tenny Khalaj
April 7, 2013
Mass Comm 101
Tue/Thurs 9:10-10:35

1.) Fall semester students should be assigned a homework assignment to conduct a survey on a social media site (such as Facebook) to decide which movie they should watch.The movie with the most votes would be chosen. Three possible dates should be proposed and based on a survey the students will decide which date/time would be appropriate for the majority. Also, a group leader can be chosen to be responsible for coordinating the event and making sure the theater/date/time is suitable to those interested in participating.

2.)Besides showing the movie, students should discuss how the movie relates to mass communications and lectures that were discussed in class. Since it would be inconvenient to take notes in a dark theater, students can verbally share their ideas after the movie to make sure everybody has an understanding of the material and how it relates to the class.

3.)Since the majority of students have access to social medias, they can promote through Facebook/Twitter to promote movies and help reach the number of tickets sold to watch the movie. This will give other people on Facebook/Twitter an opportunity to learn about mass comm, even if they are not enrolled in the class. Another way social media sites can be helpful to promote is possibly contacting an actor or director of the movie being watched and asking he/she to appear during the screening (like the actor from Craigslist Joe).

4.) A movie I would want to watch as a Mass Comm student would be The Social Network. This movie would be ideal because it really expands the idea of the social media revolution and how a computer genius becomes a billionaire because of his ideas.

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Narineh Arkilian said...

Narineh Arkilian
1.I think,students can arrange a meeting and choice someone among themself to create a plan for a movie night and they can vote on movie they want to watch.

2. Beside watching the movie, students should meet up after and discussion the movie.

3.Students can promote movie night via facebook and other social networks.they even can invite their friends to watch the movie.

4.A movie that i would suggest is the "island".or they even can watch older movies such as the birth of a nation.

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Ellin Karabedian said...

1)The students can take a vote on what movies they would like to see, including the date, time, and theater. A certain individual should be in charge of the coordinating.
2)The students should take notes through out the movie and be able to share their opinions about it with one another.
3)Social networking is a great way to promote movie night, just by posting a comment or a group event, all members are able to see it and contact each other from there.
4)I think that Pursuit of Happiness, Social Network, and Wall Street are great movies that are some what relevant to MC101 and the college students.

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.Fall semester students should have a poll in class to decide what movie to watch and also discuss about the time and the location of the theater which they want to go. To choose a person who can take responsibilities and coordinates the evening, students should vote in class.

2.It is a good idea to meet the actor after watching the movie and have a chance to ask questions relevant to the movie .

3.I think almost all of the students are joined on face book, so it would be better to create a page on face book and let students plan the trip and share their ideas and also it will cause more people to participate.

4.Movies should be informative and also relevant to Mass 101. Social Network is a good choice because of its main story, which is about the face book invention.

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Varduhi Hovsepyan said...

1. Students should register for Tugg will give them a list to go through and they will choose it. The students should do a meeting and discuss it with one another to see what date and time it is convenient for them and what dates would be convenient for full time college students. Anyone can contact and coordinate tugg, therefore the students can discuss who coordinates and contacts tugg within themselves.

2. The students should have a guest speaker to come and talk to the students if possible. If not they should get some background information on the movie and present it to the students.

3.The students can use Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking to post advertisements about the movie to inform their friends and spread the word.

4.Some movies that have some relevence to MC101 are "The Social Network", "Craigslist Joe".

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Lilit Sardarian said...

1. Students to organize to decide what movie they want to book through is to use a survey. When they use the survey, whichever popular vote there is, they will watch that movie. As for the date, time, and theater, students should talk amongonst themsleves and choose a date, time, and theater that is convient for all of them. Students decide among themselves who contacts Tugg and coordiantes the evening depending on the student that is the most organized, and who has good leadership skills.

2.Students should take notes during the movie, and then have a Q&A after the movie. That way, students have a better understanding of the movie and if there was ever to be a quiz or a short answer question on the movie, most likely every student would pass and they would understand the movie/meaning/connection to MC101 better.

3. Students could use Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking websites to promote movie night by posting a status, tweeting the information, and basically posting the URL/trailer of the movie on their friends twitter and facebook. Word will get out and pretty soon everybody would want to watch that movie, social nteworking is powerful.

4. Some movies that do have relevance to MC101 and the Glendale College student population I believe is "The Social Network" because it is relevant, and something every student would enjoy watching.

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Orlando Mendoza said...

Fall semester students should come up with some ideas of movie that they can watch for the class and to select from the choices they can do an online poll like the one we did for the Obama family where we texted in. The date and time should be decided in a similar fashion to see in which day most people can attend the movie. A group leader should be appointed so that way they can have someone to call Tugg to arrange the evening.

After the movie students can have a group discussion of the movie and how the class ties to it. If they are as lucky as we were they can try to get a speaker that was involved in the film so that they can have a Q&A with them.

I think it goes without saying now that they will use these forms of social networking to try to get friends to come along. Also they can use the social networking to make sure the evening happens.

Some suggestions that I have are Life in a day and The Social Network.

12:27 AM  
Blogger Hovsep Pogosian said...

Hovsep Pogosian

1. Students should come up with flyers they can put up around the school spreading the word for a specific movie they would like to show through The organizer should think of a movie theatre, date, and time. The students can have a vote on who ends up contacting Tugg and coordinating the event.

2. The students should have someone in the Mass Communication area to give an interview before the movie. Or the students can give a little brief overview of the movie and why it has to do with our class specifically.

3. Students can use Facebook, Twitter and other social networking tools to advertise this event. They can post statuses letting people know which movie will be playing through Tugg. They can also tweet the location and maybe give discounts on popcorn or whatever to get people to come and watch the movies.

4. A movie that would have some relevance to MC101 would be "Social Network" because it is all about this mass social network facebook that we also learn about and can be very interesting to our age students at Glendale Community College.

12:28 AM  
Anonymous Orlando Mendoza said...

Fall semester students should come up with some ideas of movie that they can watch for the class and to select from the choices they can do an online poll like the one we did for the Obama family where we texted in. The date and time should be decided in a similar fashion to see in which day most people can attend the movie. A group leader should be appointed so that way they can have someone to call Tugg to arrange the evening.

After the movie students can have a group discussion of the movie and how the class ties to it. If they are as lucky as we were they can try to get a speaker that was involved in the film so that they can have a Q&A with them.

I think it goes without saying now that they will use these forms of social networking to try to get friends to come along. Also they can use the social networking to make sure the evening happens.

Some suggestions that I have are Life in a day and The Social Network.

12:30 AM  
Blogger Hovsep Pogosian said...

1. Students should organize what movie they want to book through and to decide the date, time and theater is through flyers they can distribute throughout the school. Students should take a vote during their MC101 class to choose who contacts Tugg and coordinates the evening.

2. Students should plan a brief overview about the movie they are going to show and give a little information on how it has to do with their MC101 class.

3. Students can update statuses and tweets using Facebook or Tweeter, letting all their friends know about the upcoming event, where it will take place, and what movie they will be showing to get the word out.

4. A movie that has some relevance to our MC101 class is "Social Network" because it has to do with Facebook and how it has affected everyone and that is what we are learning in class.

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Karmela Castro said...

Karmela Castro
1) Students should discuss and decide on top most favorable titles and ultimately decide based on a survey. As for he show times and locations, discussion and voting would most likely suffice. When the meeting does happen to discuss ideas, someone will most likely offer to contact Tugg.
2) After the movie, students should go somewhere where they will be able to discuss the movie like In N Out.
3) Students can create an event and invite their friends on Facebook. On Twitter and other social networking tools they can mention the event to advertise.
4) They should show the movie Workingman's Death because it shows how little we actually know outside of our country (well at least many) because of media.

12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessica Ramos
1. Students should plan and discuss what film they wants to watch and use tugg to screen the movie ad provide a safe third party.
2. After the movie students should have time after the film to discuss the different thoughts they had of the film to get the true gist of the film.
3. Facebook can be used to post an event and have students RSVP and to help them be reminded of the films upcoming. Twitter should be use to blast recent changes if any to the plans made for the film.
4. A movie that shows the different stages of media development should be interesting I'm not sure of the exact name but I would be untested in a film like that.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Chris Aznavour said...

Chris Aznavour
Mass comm 101
Prof. Mike Eberts

1. Fall semester students should set up polls online in order to see what percentage of the people want to see a certain type of movie, or specific movie. The students should have one leader in charger of the final decision making who will then go to Tugg and ask for the booking of the theatre show.

2. Besides showing just the movie to the students, the main organizing leader should also bring one of the actors or directors of the movie to come on in that day and talk about the movie. It would let us see the movie through the director or actors position, and to also study how they felt making th movie.

3. Facebook would be a great website to promote a movie night. Everyone nowadays has a Facebook, and with making a Facebook event page with all the movie information would make it that much easier, and convenient to follow up with.

4.A relevant movie to MC101 has got to be the Facebook movie. That movie is all about mass communication from beginning until the end. It is a very interesting movie and would a great flix for students in glendale community college.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex Sinani

1) Students can vote as a group and decide which movie they would like to see through Students have the opportunity to choose a person in charge or allow someone to volunteer to take over.
2) Students can have a discussion on topics that are similar to the movie they are about to watch. Having a guest speaker can be exciting and fun as well.
3) Students can use Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking tools to help advertise the different movie night events. This will help bring in different students and a bigger audience to the event.
4)The Social Network is a good movie to see regarding MC101.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Natalie Antekelian said...

1. The simplest way for students to decide the details involved with the movie night would be to take a vote for fill out a survey. This way, a majority of the participants will agree on the outcome. As for deciding who should contact Tugg, volunteers could either do it or a random selection could help choose.

2. Students could break into groups and fill out questions about the movie or have a discussion about what they have just seen.

3. Students can post links/pictures of the event poster to attract others. These social networks can also be used to send out further information and send an RSVP memo.

4. Some specific films that pertain to MC101 could be The Social Network, or Catfish. These movies revolve around how mass media impacts peoples daily lives.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jires Keshishi
1-In my opinion students should have an online survey with a bunch of movies related to mass comm 101 class and the movie with most votes should be chosen ,and the same way to pick a date and time.
The movie theater should be the most closest one to the college. Also one of the students can be volunteer who is organize and responsible to contact Tugg and coordinate the event.

2-Students can take a notes and discuss about movie and realize it. Also having one of the actor or actress is a great idea to answer students questions.

3-Students can creat a group in Facebook and invite all students, that way students can get last news about that event and also they can discuss about date,time and movie

4-I would suggest: "Hackers"; "The social Network" ; "We Live In Public" for Mass Comm 101 class

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Talia Arakelian said...

1. Students should vote on which movie seems most appealing to them, they may read reviews and hear out previous students' opinions. I suggest that the screening should be at 8pm because, more students are available in the evenings. Students simply have to vote- which time/day is most convenient for all and who has the time to organize the trip.

2. Students should take the screening as a valuable experience, they should learn something from it and master how the film corresponds to mass communications.

3. Students can use social networks to spread the word and attract other friends who may be interested.

4. I would say The Social Network, You've Got Mail, Wall Street, and 21 are relevant to Mass Communications.

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aden Ghevondyan
Mass Comm 101

1. A way for fall students to decide what movie to watch and to come to an agreement could be just a simple survey. they would also survey what time to watch it and same would go for the place.

2. Students could have a guest speaker come up and talk to them like we had Joe come and talk to us, it was different than just going to watch a movie.

3. Using social networking websites, we can get more people to use tugg and we can promote them, it would be easier to sell out the movies.

4. Like a few other people said catfish would be a great movie to watch because it ties in with our class.

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita Oganesyan
t-th 9:10

1.creat a poll where students can vote on the time and date they want to go.
2.have before and after activities for those who wants to participate
3. create different media pages to expose the event
4.horrible bosses or even the social network would be appropriate.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anahit Arustamyan said...

1. To organize an event, students should have a class discussion about movies they are interested in and relate it to the chapter they are reading in the course. A good way to decide a time and place is to have the class fill out a survey.The head of the committee should be contacting Tugg.

2. After the movie is finished, we can have a guest speaker just like we had during the "Craigslist Joe" movie.

3. Students can make a Facebook page or even an event page to spread the word and keep track of the people who are going to attend the event.

4. A movie I'd recommend would be "The Social Network" because it is a documentary of creators of facebook.

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Talitha Galstyan said...

1. I think the next time there is a field trip like this one there should be a survey online with a series of questions like what movie, day, time and theater the students would prefer; and have the majority win. The students can get together and vote on who contacts Tugg. Students can nominate themselves, then the students can vote on who they want.

2. I think during the movie students should take notes and afterwards there should be a mandatory discussion about the moving where students can give their opinions and state how they thought the movie related to mass communications.

3. There can be an event created on Facebook where students can invite others in the class, students can tweet about the event on Twitter to promote ticket sales, and lastly students can post and repost on Instagram to further promote the event.

4. I think The Social Network would be an interesting movie to show because it is the story behind one of the biggest and most popular social networking website of our generation.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Maria Gukasyan said...

1. During the fall semester, students should organize to decide what movie they want to book through by using a voting system that is passed around the class.
2. Students should have class discussions as well as Q&A to do as homework. This will give the professor proof that the students were paying attention.
3. Students can use social networks to share the event to their friends and family. This way, people will be more informed of the event and may help convince them to attend.
4. The Social Network is a great movie for the students to watch because it is relevant to what they are learning in class. The young characters featured in the film are also more relatable to the students.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Menoova Boghosian
April 8, 1013
mass comm 101

Monday Wednesday 9:10-10:35

1. How should fall semester students organize to decide what movie they want to book through, and to decide the date, time and theater they want to book it in? How do students decide among themselves who contacts Tugg and coordinates the evening?

2. They should have an in class vote on what kind of movies they should watch from suggestions and then have a vote by those people interested in watching the movies. Instead of doing all the voting through tug it should be done in class where it is as easy as a head count.
2. What things should students plan to do in the theater on movie night besides showing the movie? This should be within the capability of students to organize.

4. There should be an optional debate about how the movie was and what was missing from the movie that could have been better.
3. How can students use Facebook, Twitter and other social networking tools to promote Movie Night?
Students can promote the movie night on their facebook page as well as their twitter and invite family members to the movies.

4. Suggest some type of movies that have some relevance to MC101 and to the Glendale College student population. The idea is to create a Movie Night that is a little different than just the average evening at the multiplex.

A movie that would be great would be the movie about facebook. I currently don’t remember the title but it would definitely be of relevance to our class discussions

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anna Ladian said...

April 8, 2013
Mass Communication 101

1. Fall semester students should decide when, where and what movie they want to book through by initially organizing a class meeting to take suggestions of movies relevant to the course material. Also, one or two lead coordinators should volunteer from each Mass Communication 101 class. After approving all the choices with the professor, the list along with several choices of location and date should be presented to all classes through a website like, allowing students to text their response in class quickly and without much commotion, the results should be combined to reveal the plans.

2. Besides showing the movie, students should have a discussion and maybe devise some activity that relates to the movie. For example, after viewing Craigslist Joe students could try to organize an event (maybe a food or toy drive) through Ideally, the activity would capture the main message of the movie.

3. In today’s world, it no longer takes much effort or money to promote events. Students can painlessly post multiple messages containing all of the event’s information instantaneously on multiple social networking sites. To make it even simpler, each lead coordinator can be assigned a specific social networking site to advertise the event on. If possible, it would be impressive to use the medium the movie is based on. Although it may not be as effective as other sites, posting an ad on for the viewing of Craigslist Joe would have been interesting.

4. The film chosen should be somewhat inspirational, so that students can do more than just watch an ordinary film. A movie that has some relevance to Mass Communication 101 and to the Glendale Community College student population is #ReGeneration, an enlightening and truly motivating film documenting how the current generation has been transformed thorough changes in education, economy, technology and media. Students will not only be able to relate to every topic discussed in the film, but they can also reflect upon and share ways to improve their own habits and hopefully take action themselves. Also, since we discussed video games in class a few times, I would recommend Indie Game: The Movie, which documents the work of indie game developers. Students will certainly leave the theatre with a bit more appreciation for games and the tremendous amount of work it requires. Another exceptional choice would be Life in a Day, which is a moving documentary composed of clips filmed and submitted by actual people across the world, demonstrating how technology can be used advantageously to bring people together, instead of causing individual alienation from society.

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jora Keshishi

1. Having a poll in class could be a good way to pick the movie and also to decide the date, time and theater. We can have one student who volunteers to contact Tugg and coordinate the event.

2. In movie night besides showing the movie, students should plan to take notes while the movie is being showed and then at the end of the movie discuss and exchange their opinion about the movie. Also having a guest speaker or one of the actors or actress from the movie to answer the students questions could be a fantastic idea.

3. Students can create an event page or put different ads on Facebook or use other social networking tools and describe the details about the event or post status about the event.

4. The best movies I can come up with for a movie night relate to Mass Communication would be,The Social Network,Hackers and You’ve Got Mail.

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jora Keshishi

1. Having a poll in class could be a good way to pick the movie and also to decide the date, time and theater. We can have one student who volunteers to contact Tugg and coordinate the event.

2. In movie night besides showing the movie, students should plan to take notes while the movie is being showed and then at the end of the movie discuss and exchange their opinion about the movie. Also having a guest speaker or one of the actors or actress from the movie to answer the students questions could be a fantastic idea.

3. Students can create an event page or put different ads on Facebook or use other social networking tools and describe the details about the event or post status about the event.

4. The best movies I can come up with for a movie night relate to Mass Communication would be,The Social Network,Hackers and You’ve Got Mail.

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Jasmine Boniadyan said...

1. In order to be able to organize a perfect field trip all students must get together and decide what movie is best for the class then speak with the professor regarding a good time and date. They should all write down what is best for them then have one person contact Tugg directly.

2. After the film has ended maybe if we don't have a guest speaker we can do a 30 minute class discussion.

3.The best way to keep track of the event is to make a list and pass it out during class and have students print their name. This list can keep track of who will be going to the event.

4. Another god movie to watch for the coming semester would be The Social Network. I believe this is a good movie because it relates to the class and the students as well

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Kellzi
April 8, 2013
Mass Comm

1. Fall semester students should have a poll in the class of how many students want to watch what film. The films should be provided by the teacher and the students should have poll in the classroom as to what movie they want to watch. Same with the date and time. The professor should choose dates and times, which ever poll receives the highest votes should then be chosen. One person from the class should should be the coordinator and contact Tugg

2. Students should take briefly take notes of the film, and have a discussion in class on how it relates to mass communication.

3. Students should post statuses, create an event, tweet their friends, and other social networking to advise all other students to go watch the movie with them, they should make it a little convincing.

4. Some movies I would suggest are "What dreams may come" and "Paul." I chose these movies because they are very similar to the movie we watched and it has its similarities with mass communication.


8:41 PM  
Anonymous Angie Hakopian said...

Angie Hakopian
Mass Comm 101

1. A way i believe would be a good way for students to organize and decide what movie they want to see is to have a survey and what movie is the most chosen would be the movie to watch.

2. I agree with some of the other students that the class should get together and have study sessions and talk about the movie.

3. students can advertise the movie on their social networking cites. Almost everyone has a Facebook, so a lot of people would be able to notice that there is a movie night.

4. I think that a show called "Catfish" would be a great show to watch. It has to do with social networking sites so its a great show to watch.

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Saren Zargaryan said...

Saren Zargaryan
Mass Comm 101

1.Students should get together and decide on a handful of movies there is to watch. The movie that has the most points should be the movie to watch. I think that the students can vote on who they want the coordinator to be.

2. I think that the students can get together in small or large groups and talk about the movie and talk about what was their favorite part.

3. Students can inform their friends on Facebook or other social networking sites by tagging themselves in posts about the movie night. they can also make a fan page and invite their friends.

4. I would say that Catfish is a good movie to watch for Mass comm. it is about people finding love on the internet and meeting in person for the first time.

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Armen Arakelyan said...

Armen Arakelyan

1. A poll done in class is a great way to decide what movie they want to book through, and their can be a group leader to decide who contacts tugg and coordinates the evening.

2. they should discuss the movie and maybe have another actor from the upcoming movie make an appearance to make it a better experience.

3. students can make facebook groups to promote movie night.

4. Social network would be a great movie for MC101.

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Trina Nazarian said...

1. Students should organize to decide what movie they want to book through by doing a vote, which is known as surveying. By voting, it will help determine which movie to choose. As for the date, time, and theatre goes, the students should choose it by whats more convenient for themselves. Students decide among themselves by choosing their own leader.

2. During the movie, students should take notes and have a question and answer after the movie to get a more better understanding of what the whole movie was about.

3. Students could use any social networking site to post about how their movie went.

4. I would say Social Network is very relevant to MC101 because many students would love to see how it is to work in the social networking industry and how it is like to control your own social networking site.

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edrina Abnousmasihi
April 8,2013
Mass Comm 101

1. Students should have options of movies, and they should make a vote, and see which one is the highest vote. Also, they should make a vote on what day they should watch the movie.

2. I think students should take notes or prepare some questions about the movies and discuss it in class with there class mates, and learn from each other.

3. Students should make a event and invite their Facebook friends and tell them or encourage them to come to the movie night.

4. A documentary i would recommend for Glendale Community College will be super size me.

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex Manukian
mass comm 101

1) a good way to organize this in my opinion would be to have a five question multiple choice option of what the students want to watch. Doing so you can see what majority of the students want to see and when their available.

2) students should organize a place to have dinner after the movie, so they can talk about the film they just saw and discuss the class assignment.

3) students can post (advertise) the event, therefore making other students more willing to attend the field trip to the theatre

4) i think a great movie to watch for this MC101 class would be the "social network" its relevant to whats going on with our social networking world today, plus relevant to the class.

11:04 PM  
Anonymous Auni Kazarians said...

1. Students should take a poll in class to decide which movie would be most suitable for the class, depending on the time, the date, the subject, and the theater. Together, they should decide one person to contact Tugg and another student to organize the event and spread the word about it.

2. Students should see if they could get a guest speaker to answer questions at the end of the movie. This would be a great opportunity to find out the behind the scenes of the movie and how they can learn from it.

3. By using Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites, students have the ability to let others who aren't in the class know about the event. They can expand their audience.

4. Some movies that are related to our discussions in MC101 are The Social Network, Good Morning, Vietnam, and Singin' In the Rain. Each movie is based on a different types of technology. One is about social networks, the other about radios, and the last about movies.

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Kristineh Mirzayan said...

1.Fall semester students should have a poll in class to decide what movie to watch and also discuss about the time and the location of the theater which they want to go. To choose a person who can take responsibilities and coordinates the evening, students should vote in class.

2.It is a good idea to meet the actor after watching the movie and have a chance to ask questions relevant to the movie .

3.I think almost all of the students are joined on face book, so it would be better to create a page on face book and let students plan the trip and share their ideas and also it will cause more people to participate.

4.Movies should be informative and also relevant to Mass 101. Social Network is a good choice because of its main story, which is about the face book invention.

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Tsoler Kellzi said...

1. Having a poll in class would be a great way to decide the date, time and theater the students want to book it in. Another way to do it is by having students take a survey online or having them nominate the movies they like best through ""

2. Students should start taking notes and have questions prepared about the movie. Being able to get a guest speaker is always a great idea, that way the students will get more involved.

3. It's simple to use Facebook, Twitter and other social networking tools to promote movie night because the students would only have to give out the information. That way everyone can see it and be a part of it. They can also make an event page and tweet the name of the movie and the description.

4. I would suggest The Social Network and Catch Me If You Can for students for MC101 to watch. Because students can see the process of how social networking began and they can learn lessons. Both have to do with technology and I think it's perfect for this class.

11:29 PM  
Anonymous Meg Megertichian said...

1.The students should all get together and organize the event and try to figure out a day that most people might be able to go and pick a movie that would attract the audience.To decide who contacts Tugs and coordinates of the event, can be the person who came up with the idea.
2.Students may have questions after the movie, so they should get the chance of sharing their thoughts and opinions.
3.People can use social network such as Facebook, Twitter, instagram ,and etc to make public announcements or make a public event and encourage others to join.
4.A movie that i would suggest would be the "The Social Network" which shows both the social networking and how people use the media to communicate with one and other.

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Liana Babloyan said...

1. The easiest and most effective way to organize an event like this would be to cast an online poll to determine the best choice; and also the time and date best suitable for the majority. A committee would also be effective, but it would take much longer. Students can elect a leader or take volunteers to get in contact with Tugg and to coordinate the event.

2. Aside from watching the movie, students can have discussions about it afterwards to exchange their views and thoughts. Having a guest speaker would also be effective, much like how we had a speaker for Craiglist Joe.

3. Social networking is the best way to spread awareness for any event. Students can create groups and invites throught Twitter and Facebook to promote a movie night.

4. Other movies that could be considered are Catch Me if You Can, Up in the Air and The King's Speech. These films relate to the different aspects of media and business.

12:47 AM  
Blogger Vigen Amirkhanyan said...

1) I think students should take some time off after class to determine what movie to watch and where to watch it. An online textig poll can be used in a classrom to determine what and where and how.
2) After the movie the students should start discussing the importance of the movie and have some local movie experts talk about the movie symbolism and its relevance

3) Social media can be used easily to promote the event. Facebook has an app called Events. Students can use to invite each other and it can spread rapidly. Your friends can se what event you are going to and they can attend also.You have have polls in that App to decide what. Where and how.

4) The Social Media is a great movie for students to watch. It can open up some minds.

Vigen Amirkhanyan

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Moira Salazar said...

Moira Salazar
I would suggest to discuss on top movies that people want to watch and eventually take a survey to finally decide on which one.
After the movie, the class could collectively go somewhere to eat and discuss the movie.
I would create an event on Facebook that way everyone will know its happening. I would tweet the movie's details so my followers can know.
Another movie MC101 should watch is Catfish. It shows how deceiving people on the Internet can be.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

1. Fall semester students should organize what movie they want to book through by conducting a poll at the beginning of class with the choices being among nonfictional documentaries. All students should vote for a leader to interact with to coordinate the event.

2. If a trailer is not possible then I would suggest that students make pre-show pamphlets.

3. They could use Facebook to create a social event that's set on public and have various recipients constantly branch out to their friends so it expands like an infectious pathogen.

4. A few ideas could be the upcoming film "No Pain No Gain" featuring Dwayne Johnson and Mark Wahlberg to showcase the change of mass behavior in regards to fitness

11:16 AM  

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