Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Food for Thought

Food for Thought is a campus program funded entirely by donations that helps our most economically disadvantaged students. The email posted below tells how to apply for assistance from Food for Thought.

Dear Colleagues,

Applications for "Food For Thought" are now available in the Center for Students with Disabilities (SR 2nd floor). The deadline for applications is Noon on Friday, October 26, 2012. Please encourage any students who might qualify to consider applying. A brief description of the program and eligibility requirements follows:

Food for Thought is designed to provide students with extreme financial need some additional help with basic food costs. Students are awarded food vouchers for a local market for each month of the Fall and Spring semesters that they meet the eligibility requirements. The maximum total award is $1,000. This is a one-time award, and applications from recipients will not be considered in subsequent years.

In order to be eligible for this program, a student must:

„« Be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units of academic or vocational course work as listed on your current Student Educational Plan (SEP). A copy of your current SEP (signed by a counselor within the last 6 months) must be submitted with your Food for Thought Application form,

„« Have successfully completed at least 12 units of academic or vocational coursework at Glendale Community College,

„« Maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher,

„« Meet state residency requirements of the State of California

„« Have been determined eligible for federal and state financial aid by completing the federal FAFSA form and submitting all other documents required by the Financial Aid Office (located at 110 San Fernando Complex).

„« Have been awarded the (BOG) Board of Governors Enrollment Fee Waiver.

Due to limited resources, not all students who meet the eligibility criteria can be funded. Priority will be given to students with the greatest financial need. Students will be notified of their eligibility status.

Tina Andersen-Wahlberg
Interim Program Manager, Disabled Students Programs and Services
Glendale Community College
Telephone: 818.240.1000 ext. 5488



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