Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Transfer Center News

Because nearly all MC101 students intend to transfer, Your Humble Blogger routinely posts e-mails from the Transfer Center. This one just came in from Kevin Meza...

Just wanted to update everyone on some transfer news:

---We have added new books to our Transfer Center Library covering
topics such as law, business, and medical school admissions. We have
also updated our college admissions guides.

---Four-year colleges are starting to post their admissions
decisions. Please refer students who were denied admission so we can assess
their situation. We have been able to reverse the admissions
decisions for many of our students.

---Our Northern California Spring Break College Tour is full (53
students). Thanks for your support in promoting the trip.

---We will be hosting a college fair on April 19 from 10-1 and 5-7 in
Plaza Vaquero.

---Remind students to check our website
www.glendale.edu/transfercenter and to add us on Facebook for
up-to-date information.

Thank you!

Kevin Meza
Transfer Center Coordinator
Glendale Community College
1500 N. Verdugo Road
Glendale, CA 91208
(818) 240-1000 ext. 5820



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