Monday, January 11, 2010

Twittering Taureses

Ford, the American car company that didn't have to take bailout money, is attempting to take the lead in bringing digital communications into the automobile. So, what's in your Ford's future? Maybe an eFocus that reads incoming emails to you, or a Mustang that makes dinner suggestions as you cruise PCH at dusk. It appears to Your Humble Blogger that wireless Internet connectivity will open up your iFord to all manner of advertising and assorted come-ons. Perhaps you'll have pop-up ads projected onto your windshield, complete with directions on how to get to the store or whatever. If the car senses you've been on the road for a while, maybe you'll get a virtual coupon for $2 off at the nearest Denny's. Or maybe the gas station five miles up the interstate will lure you in with a free cup of coffee. MC101 students suggested that cars will eventually fall victim to viruses, and wrench-twirling mechanics will be out of their depth trying to restore your car's operating system and apps.

This Medianote is based upon a Los Angeles Times article.

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