Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Ads and Adds...

Opening Day in Mass Comm 101, Winter 2010 semester. Students were sitting, standing, and spilling out into the hall.

It's been quite a week already with half the Glendale College student body trying to add Mass Comm 101 and the other classes that have survived the brutal cuts brought on by the California budget crisis. Oh well, on to the first Medianote of the semester...

CBS, this year's Super Bowl network, is finding that big advertisers are lining up, more or less, to pay up to $3 million for 30 seconds during the big game on Feb. 7. The exceptions are PepsiCo, a long-time advertiser that has decided to focus more on online ads, and the bailed-out American car companies, GM and Chrysler. It just wouldn't be good politics to be seen tossing millions and millions into adds when they are living off of taxpayer bailouts.

This Medianote is from a Los Angeles Times story published on Jan. 4.

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