Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Old Media and Fast Money

A recent National Public Radio story described possible big changes at the venerable New York Times, where hedge fund investors are agitating for more emphasis on the paper's online operations. This is all very New Millenium type of thinking, but it begs the question of whether quick-profit capitalists and world-class journalism mix.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #30


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that the newspapers have any choice BUT to conform to the methods utilized by new media. The internet is so quick and easy to use, that people would rather read the homepage of Yahoo! to get the current top stories then to search in a newspaper for information on what is going on. If the New York Times decides to "stick to its roots", then possible new internet news sources might definitely defeat the traditional newspaper corporation. Everyones on the internet, they should hop on the bandwagon as well if they have any plans of surviving in the future.

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that the newspapers have any choice BUT to conform to the methods utilized by new media. The internet is so quick and easy to use, that people would rather read the homepage of Yahoo! to get the current top stories then to search in a newspaper for information on what is going on. If the New York Times decides to "stick to its roots", then possible new internet news sources might definitely defeat the traditional newspaper corporation. Everyones on the internet, they should hop on the bandwagon as well if they have any plans of surviving in the future.

1:26 AM  

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