Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Coronavirus Vs. Fear (and Flu)

Fear is a powerful thing. It can lead to panicky, destructive decision making. In the opinion of Your Humble Blogger, Coronavirus has sparked concern in many and fear in others. But is Coronavirus really more dangerous than the flu? NPR reports.


•Which are you more scared of: Coronavirus or the flu?

•Dr. Paul Slovic of the University of Oregon has created a fear index that he calls the "Dread Factor." For something to rate a high Dread Factor it must be perceived as uncontrollable, have catastrophic potential, have fatal consequences and people have involuntary exposure to it. How high does Coronavirus rate on the Dread Factor index?

•Why isn't the flu getting more attention than Coronavirus?

•Who are the sources for this story? Who are credible sources for this story? What sources are not so credible?

•What bad things could happen if people overreact (i.e. panic) over Coronavirus?

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