Monday, February 27, 2012

Seeing Everything

Your Humble Blogger has a friend (I know, you're surprised already) who is a Smart Guy Engineer at JPL. He believes the pace of technological innovation is moving ever-faster and we are nearly at the point where technology will change our everyday lives dramatically.

I can't wait to ask him about Google Goggles.

Google is apparently close to introducing a device that puts the Internet in a heads up display in your goggles. Look at a restaurant and the goggles will pull up some reviews from Yelp. Look at a mountain and the goggles will give its name, history, and the location of hiking trails to the peak.

The possibilities are endless, NPR reports.

Here are some discussion questions...

•Is this more like an iPhone that everyone wants, or is it more like a Segway that only a few people want?

•What are the good things that Google Goggles could cause?

•What are the bad things that Google Goggles could cause?

•Is this the end of education as we know it?

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