Thursday, September 18, 2008

Holy F-Bomb, Batman!

Back in the 1960s, Batman was a campy TV series chock-full of choreographed fight scenes (imagine dancers taking ever-so-rhythmic swings at one another), weird camera angels, and comic book colors. But no matter how dire the situation, no one ever cursed.

Well, media is a little more explicit now, and it's up for grabs as to whether that is a good thing or not. But until very recently Batman and Friends (and enemies) never cursed on the comic book pages. Then "All-Star Batman & Robin" #10 was published, and it contained all sorts of colorful language, much to the horror of p[ublisher DC Comics.

We discussed issues of community standards, audience segmentation, and free speech and free press rights based on the following Los Angeles Times story.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #52


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