Friday, January 06, 2006

Why Have a Club MediaNote?

Club MediaNote is an idea that has been rattling around my head for a while. Students have long told me that one of their favorite portions of my Mass Communications 101 course is the short presentation and discussion that generally happens at the beginning of class, the day's Media Note.

However, students also tell me sometimes that they have trouble finding the original source (usually a newspaper, magazine, or online article) a media note is based upon. Still other students would like to know what the Media Note was that they missed when they were late or absent.

Club MediaNote is an answer to all that, plus a way to get a small portion of my course out to people who are not in my classes, but who would like brief summaries and commentaries on current things that are shaping some aspect of mass media. So if you're not in my classes, but you have stumbled upon Club MediaNote, you are welcome to be here and take part in commenting on it or on individual posts.

In putting together this blog, I enabled comments (feedback is good) but I have also arranged the settings so that comments are moderated by me before they are posted for all the world to see. I'm letting you know this in the spirit of disclosure.

That said, this blog is an experiment. So expect it to evolve over time.

On with the show!


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